We provided all land surveying and civil engineering design services for the development. The scope of
work included mass grading, on-site storm sewer, underground storm water storage facilities, sanitary sewer and water main, parking lot and roadway design, coordination with public utilities, and much more. The site, at Mannheim Road and I-290, held many challenges and we had to work closely with permitting agencies such as the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District (MWRD) and with Target in order to obtain the necessary approvals. The Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) was heavily involved as the development contained significant roadway improvements to Mannheim Road, a major traffic corridor. Full lane widening, median improvements, additional turn lanes and signal modifications were added while maintaining the current flow of traffic. We also coordinated advertisement signs for the development along the I-290 (Eisenhower) right of way. The onsite improvements featured three underground detention facilities located in the main parking areas. These systems utilized 4,355' of 96", and 5115' of 60" corrugated metal pipe totaling 7.5 acre-feet of storage. The earthwork and grading was particularly complicated due to the presence of surface bedrock at one end of the site and poor underlying soils in another. Again, we worked closely with the developer and coordinated the site plan changes so that these difficult challenges could be overcome.