Osiedle zlokalizowane jest na Malahide Road w Dublinie i składa się z 360 apartamentów mieszkalnych w 6 blokach oraz przedszkola i podziemnego parkingu. Podziemny parking jak i trzy z sześciu bloków był wykonany w technologii na mokro, a reszta bloków w technologii z prefabrykatów.
In-situ Concrete: All substructure walls and slabs were constructed using in-situ methods. Steel fabrication was carried out on site in correspondence with TGP drawings and schedules. Before any structure element was poured pre-pour control check had to be completed and signed by the Resident Engineer on site from Thomas Garland and Partners. In-situ method was also used for walls and slabs of superstructure of 4 blocks.
Pre-cast elements:
Four Blocks (D, E1, E2, E3) were constructed in pre-cast. Twin walls were supplied and erected by a German based company ABI whereas concrete prestressed hollowcore slabs supplier· Concrete Flooring Systems was from Northern Ireland.
Setting out:
- The establishment of two-dimensional control network and local grids for particular blocks (for the purpose dimensional control on site and setting out);
- Regular check of primary baselines, control frame points and benchmarks for accuracy;
- Setting out with TOPCON 200 Series and 700 Series Total Stations on a daily basis:
- Vertically control with use of: plumb-bob, theodolite and laser plumbing;
- A low tolerance setting out of curved balconies;
- The establishment of leveling control network and all required benchmarks on site;
- Setting out and controlling grading excavations such as: drainage trenches, pipes laying, manholes levels etc.;
- Transferring benchmarks to all blocks and all storeys;